Except he has taken the form of a mouse, a tiny shitting-machine, elusive to all methods of capture. At first I decided to ignore him. I thought that maybe we could just live side by side, each pretending the other didn't exist. But I didn't go and shit in his kitchen now did I? No I did not. Being a vegetarian, I decided that killing him in the nicest, most humane way was best, so I went and bought a $25 electronic zapping trap. Supposedly with 4 AA batteries, little Osama's heart would painlessly cease to beat, and his tiny soul would float away to a much better place.
Instead, he scorned my nice-death gestures and shit on top of the trap. And on my bed.
By this time, I was pissed. My vegetarian-guilt flew out the window and a craving for Osama's spilt blood took over my mind. I went out with the intent of purchasing the most brutal killing machine built for total mouse decimation. I pictured a mini mouse sized guillotine. Instead I ended up with the traditional squish trap thingy. I knew that wouldn't give the dramatic crime scene bloodspray I wanted, but as long as it did the job, whatever.
Weeks have passed. Osama has shit next to the traps, has eaten cheese off of them, and just continues to mock me. I feel I've been outsmarted. I've been broken down. I'm less afraid at this point. Hell, I'm impressed.
An exterminator is due to come on Monday for the ultimate killing spree, hopefully armed with weapons that aren't sold to the general public.